For nearly 60 years, HUBER
Systems by PTA,
located in
Germany, has been providing stopper
processing treatments worldwide for
washing, siliconization, sterilizing and
drying of all types of parenteral
The patented Direct Impact
Cleaning design insures particle removal and
pyrogen free stoppers. Special moisture cycles
provided for Lyophilized
HUBER by PTA machines are totally self cleaning,
allowing both siliconized and
non siliconized stoppers to be processed in the same
machine. Effective
stopper handling systems can be used with the latest barrier
isolators for
transfer to the filling lines. HUBER by PTA continually evolves to meet
and exceed
the standards of the ever increasing quality demands of the FDA and
the pharmaceutical parenteral processing industry.
All HUBER by PTA machines meet and exceed FDA regulations
and have validated
software packages.
There are more HUBER machines processing
parenteral closures every day,
than all other brands combined and chosen by more stopper manufacturer's
than any other unit.
Pyrogen Reduction? Look no further than HUBER!
Model DS 250 S
Rabs for Unloading
Model DS40

For information on our product line please use the request
hyperlink or
Call us at 973-267-8900.
Our staff is available for presentations at your facility or
call and ask for our CD with
animations of our stopper processing